Standar Resolusi Layar Televisi

Minggu, Maret 20th 2016. | Tentang TV

Agan-agan JBTV kali ini kami akan memberikan penjelasaan tentang standar resolusi televisi.

Banyak sekali jenis serta ukuran grafis layar tv yang digunakan sesuai merk maupun dukungan teknologi lainya. Masing-masing punya keunggulan serta kemampuan yang berbeda sesuai dengan fungsi peralatanya. Berikut ini ukuran standard resolusi layar televisi yang umum digunakan dan sudah dikelompokkan berdasar teknologinya :

Name Dimension (w x h) Pixels (*) Keterangan
QCIF 176 x 144 4:3 (**) 24.8 k Quarter Common Intermediate Format – Standard for video conferencing systems.
CIF 352 x 288 4:3 (**) 99.0 k Common Intermediate Format – Standard resolution for video conferencing systems to convert from PAL to NTSC or vice versa. Width and Height is a multiple of 16 to simplify the MPEG encoding (full image can be divided into 16×16 MPEG macroblocks).
NTSC (DV) 720 x 480 4:3 (**)
16:9 (**)
338 k NTSC is a composite video standard, mainly used in US, Canada, Japan and South Korea.
DV is a standard resolution for digital video recording in consumer products according NTSC standard. The DV resolution uses a multiple of 16 for width and height to simplify the MPEG encoding. Thus the number of lines is reduced from 486 to 480 compared with D1.
NTSC (D1) 720 x 486 4:3 (**)
16:9 (**)
342 k NTSC is a composite video standard, mainly used in US, Canada, Japan and South Korea.
D1 is a standard resolution (defined by SMPTE group) for professional video recording with NTSC standard.
NTSC (4:3) 720 x 540 4:3 380 k Necessary resolution to display NTSC (D1/DV) video in 4:3 format by using square pixel. Alternatively, 640 x 480 are used to display NTSC video.
PAL (D1/DV) 720 x 576 4:3 (**)
16:9 (**)
405 k PAL is a composite video standard similar to NTSC, mainly used in Europe, Asia and Australia. Since the width and the height of the PAL resolution is a multiple of 16, there is no difference between D1 and DV format.
PAL (4:3) 768 x 576 4:3 432 k Necessary resolution to display PAL (D1/DV) video in 4:3 format by using square pixel.
NTSC Widescreen 864 x 486 16:9 410 k Necessary resolution to display anamorphic NTSC (D1/DV) video in 16:9 format by using square pixel.
HD 720
960 x 720 16:9 (**) 675 k Digital Video Cassette PROfessional – SMPTE Standard D12 in 720 p with up to 100 MBit/s.
PAL Widescreen 1024 x 576 16:9 576 k Necessary resolution to display anamorphic PAL (D1/DV) video in 16:9 format by using square pixel.
HDTV 720 1280 x 720 16:9 900 k High Definition Television with 1 M Pixel.
1366 x 768 16:9 1.00 M Popular resolution for LCD TVs with 1 M Pixel.
HD 1080
1280 x 1080 16:9 (**) 1.32 M Digital Video Cassette PROfessional – SMPTE Standard D12 in 1080i with up to 100 MBit/s.
HDV 1440 x 1080 16:9 (**) 1.48 M High Definition Video – standard format for consumer HD digital video with pixel aspect ratio of 1.33. The video is stored by using MPEG-2 compression.
AVCHD 1440 x 1080 16:9 (**) 1.48 M Advanced Video Codec High Definition – standard format for consumer HD digital video with pixel aspect ratio of 1.33. The video is stored by using MPEG-4 (H.264) compression.
D4 1440 x 1024 4:3 (**)
16:9 (**)
1.41 M Unimportant format for non-realtime recording of high-resolution digital video as four D1 frames.
HDTV 1080 1920 x 1080 16:9 1.98 M High Definition Television with 2 M Pixel.
D16 2880 x 2048 4:3 (**)
16:9 (**)
5.63 M Format for non-realtime recording of high-resolution digital video as sixteen D1 frames.

* Jumlah pixel : 1 k = 1024 dan 1 M = 1024 k = 1048576

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